CBG in comparison to CBD | Bona Voluntate

Apart from the fact that CBD and CBG are distinct cannabinoid compounds, the two share more similarities than differences.

Both CBD and CBG:

  • Are they non-psychoactive? (will not alter your mental state)
  • THC can be used to counteract its effects.
  • Have medicinal properties
  • Anti-Inflammatory All-Natural\sAnti-Bacterial
  • Have neuroprotective properties
  • Can aid in the reduction of glaucoma-related pressure

Is it possible to combine these two cannabinoids? Absolutely! It is actually encouraged. Certain cannabinoids are known to work well together. Two examples are CBD Full Spectrum Distillate and CBG.

CBD regulates the levels of cannabinoids in the body, which bind to brain receptors. CBG binds to the same receptors. Combining the two yields benefits from both sides, resulting in a synergistic approach.

For more information on these two cannabinoids, see our complete CBD vs. CBG comparison.

Administration of CBG

CBG can be administered in a variety of ways. Taking this compound is comparable to taking Full Spectrum Distillate in general.

The most common ways to take CBG Oil Wholesale are as follows:


Tinctures, like CBD, are the most common form of CBG consumption. Hemp plants are used to produce CBG Oil Wholesale and other cannabinoids. To make a tincture, they are combined with a carrier oil (such as hemp seed oil or MCT oil).

Because cannabinoids combine easily in tincture form, some products may contain only cannabigerol, while many others combine CBG with Full Spectrum Distillate CBD and other trace cannabinoids.

Method of Administration: Place drops of tincture under the tongue and hold for 60-90 seconds before swallowing.


You can simply smoke CBG Oil Wholesale rich hemp strains instead of going through the extraction process. Smoking is one of the most efficient and quick ways to absorb cannabinoids. In most parts of the United States, hemp flower is legal to possess and consume if it contains less than 0.3 percent THC.

Method of Consumption: The process is identical to that of other smokable hemp or cannabis products. You can buy pre-rolled hemp “joints” or hemp buds that can be broken up and rolled into joints or smoked in a pipe.


  • You may be able to obtain an isolate powder. Take the powder as soon as possible. Cannabigerol isolate, like CBD Full Spectrum Distillate, can be taken sublingually or sprinkled on food. It dissolves easily in high-fat liquids because it is fat-soluble.
  • Topically applied in skin care products Because this compound has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it makes perfect sense to incorporate it into skin care products. Keep an eye out for companies creating CBG Oil Wholesale-infused skin care products.
  • Gummies and other novel products are likely to emerge as the market expands.
Categorized as CBG